Thursday, December 15, 2011

Stocking Gifts for Men

We have a long-standing family joke about the time my sister and I got cough syrup in our stockings. We were pretty little, and this gift was so offensive to us! Way too practical. 

Well, now that I am in charge of a stocking for Peter, I have come over to the practical side. Practicality and I are best buds! Here's how you can fill your husband's stocking with one trip to the grocery store. (Peter, dear, stop reading if you like surprises!)

Do you do a stocking for your significant other? Please tell me what you put in it! Last year, I totally dropped the ball on this, and Peter got dollar store hand warmers and a bottle of whiskey (could have been worse, actually...).


  1. That hot sauce is a GREAT idea.

    My husband always gets mints and gum (he loves both) in his stocking, as well as socks (I think they're boring as a "regular" gift but fun to tuck in with other stuff. And he's hard on socks).

    This year I'm putting in a few extras - like a mini set of dominoes and one of those wooden back massager things. Fun!

  2. Katie, I love that you include a few fun things (mixed in with the practical). I need a few items like that!


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