Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Registry faves

It seems to me that if you are getting married, you are supposed to make a bit of a fuss about how much you don't want to register for things, how honored you are that people are simply attending your wedding, ect.

Well, of course I am honored that you will be attending my wedding.  It will mean so much to me.  Really.  Much more than any gift will mean.

But that doesn't mean that I didn't have an awesome time at a giant Crate and Barrel on Saturday afternoon, clicking away anything that struck my fancy.  I was there with three patient friends (who also happen to be three members of my lovely bridal party).  They were so encouraging and helpful and funny, it made me love them even more. 

See how powerful a registry can be?! 

Here are a few items I found and added to the list. Inexpensive, fun additions to any home, whether or not there's a wedding involved. 

(Clockwise from top left.)


  1. I loved creating our registry! Now if only we could move into a place big enough to keep all of our fabulous gifts.

  2. Oh, I know that feeling! The joy of renting a tiny, cute apartment...


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