Tuesday, January 4, 2011

A deep desire to appear cool and French

I am nursing a serious crush on the adorable Dorie Greenspan these days. So serious that I had wear my scarf just like her today. If you, like me, are confounded about how to tie the darn thing like an authentic, darling French girl, I present this video. My favorite part is the "things you will need" bit which includes just a scarf and a flat surface. What about a neck? And a deep desire to appear cool and French?!


  1. This admission is hilarious! The scarf-tying is admirable and the closely cropped hair screams "chic French lady" to me!

  2. Isn't her hair cute?! I want to be brave enough to cut mine like that someday. For now, I'll settle for scarf-mimicry!

  3. Julie, you are too fun. "How about a neck?" I'm dying over here.


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