Tuesday, February 4, 2014

A Shot of Spring

Abbie shared a link to the Lyman Estate Greenhouses last week, and I was immediately sold. It's just a few minutes away from our house, so on Sunday afternoon, Peter and I popped in for a much needed shot of spring.

There are four lush greenhouses that are all connected, as well as a nice plant shop that has succulents, orchids, and citrus trees for sale. The whole place smells so clean and wet and green.

In a few weeks, their camellia blooming season officially starts, which sounds lovely. There were tons of unopened blooms on all the plants in that greenhouse, so it might be worth a repeat visit (and then you can buy a ticket to see the estate, too!). It's the perfect anecdote to our endless seeming winter.

If you go, you'll also be right near here, too! Sadly, it's closed on Sundays (WHY are you closed on Sundays, Moody's Delicatessen?!?!), but next time. Next time.


  1. Oh yay! I'm glad you liked it! It's a magical kind of place, isn't it?

    You must check out their herb sale in the springtime. It's a great excuse to buy plants AND get another visit to the greenhouse.

  2. Looks like a great place! Green and flowers can certainly cure a winter hangover :)


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