Friday, September 28, 2012

On the Agenda

On the agenda this weekend:

  • Day-tripping to Concord for a walk around Walden Pond
  • Buying mini gourds and pumpkins
  • Adding an extra blanket to our bed so we can keep the windows open just a smidgen longer
  • Eating our faces off at the Big E
  • Finishing this fabulous book 
  • Making a batch of creamy sorrel soup
Hope you all have a fantastic final weekend in September! XO


  1. Love the sorrel link! We got a bunch in our csa and I've only used them in eggs so far. I LOVE the flavor though. What's that photo from in the post? So pretty.

    1. I'm excited to try sorrel! And hopeful that I can find it at the farmers market (you having in your CSA gives me hope!).

      That photo was taken outside Shakespeare & Co. Any opportunity for a Paris shot, right?


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