Monday, February 27, 2012

Such is life

(Tulips + my last paper white bulb of the season)

We are back from a wonderful week in Florida! Oh, it was so lovely. It was warm! Flowers were blooming! I saw fireworks!

Re-entry is always sort of difficult, though, right? Yesterday afternoon in the airport parking lot, we found our car had a dead battery. This morning, the shower head broke, spraying water all over the bathroom. I'm fighting a cold. It's time to get our taxes in order. Such is life outside the magical world of Disney!

I hope you all are well! My reader is bursting at the seams, and I can't wait to catch up. 


  1. Will you be sharing photos from Florida? Did you make it to Rifle?

    Getting back to normal after vacation always takes awhile, but nothing beats home sweet home.

    1. Yes and yes! It was such a great shop. I'll be sure to share later this week!


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