Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Home Cooking + Butter Poached

A few weeks ago, my friend Jess and I were chatting about Laurie Colwin's Home Cooking. I had included it on my autumn reading list, and she told me she was re-reading it before bed. Well, I finally started a few days ago. It's short and I'm trying my best to savor every page. Colwin is so warm and funny and charming - I just adore her. Perfect chilly evening reading.

And speaking of Jess! She and her friend Laura have recently started blogging together at the decadently named Butter Poached.

Jess is the kind of person you always hope you end up sitting next to at dinner, know what I mean? She's warm and quick and insanely cool. And the writing these ladies are doing is just lovely. Laurie Colwin-esque, if you will. It's a delicious new thing to add to your blog reading rotation :)

1 comment:

  1. Julie, thank you SO much for your sweet words! Being called Laurie Colwin-esque is about the nicest thing I can imagine :) And I LOVE the quote!


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