Wednesday, March 21, 2012


Our weekend was filled with all kinds of fun. On Saturday night, Peter and I went out for Indian food and saw a super funny comedy show. (As sort of an aside, Indian food can be tough if you avoid tomatoes, soy and gluten, but I got the most amazing dosa - it's a savory sort of crepe made from rice and lentil flour! So good.)

On Sunday, I met a girlfriend for lunch. We had such a great time talking about houses and work and dating (her dating, not mine!). I've been missing friends lately, and this was such a fun treat. I try to keep reminding myself how long it takes to build up new friendships, and reconnect with old ones. It's hard to be patient with that.

On Sunday afternoon, glorious Sunday afternoon, Peter and I drove out to Walden Pond for a walk. It looks desolate in these photos, but it was packed!

All the crazy New Englander's were jumping into the water, too! They still had the "beware of ice" signs out. Way too cold!

We wrapped everything up with this corned beef recipe. That sauce, you guys - it was to die for. I want to put parsley mustard sauce on everything from now on.

I hope you are having a lovely start to your spring! My sense of time is all off with this warm weather - it feels like school should be ending in a few weeks, and we're not even at April vacation yet! I'm not complaining, though, weather gods (please hear me!).

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